GCC Sociology Capitalism and Socialism & American Family Questions

1Compare and contrast socialism with capitalism.  What do you believe are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each? Please explain why.   

 2.Please discuss religion from a functionalist perspective. Specifically, describe some of the manifest and latent functions of religion. Do those functions exist in all religious organizations? Explain why or why not. 

3.The traditional American family has changed dramatically over the last forty years. Cohabitation, same-sex couples, dual-working parents, and single parent households, to name a few. Is the American family in decline?  Or is it stronger than ever? On the other hand, do you believe that the family has merely changed?  Defend your position.  

 4.Discuss the conflict approach to education. Specifically, in what ways is it critical of the institution of education?  Make sure you include in your response the relevance of tracking, school funding, and IQ exams.  

  5.In regard to social movements, can you identify and present-day examples in the world – or America for that matter?  Which type is it? Ihas it been successful?  Please explain why or why not. 

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