Generalist Case Management Discussion Response

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1. Medical information is essential to working with people who are looking for services that provide extra care/resources for their disability or incapability to work or preform day to day tasks. “A general medical examination and specialists’ reports help determine the person’s functional limitations and potential for rehabilitation” (Woodside & McClam, 2018, p.277) Medical information contributes to the clients case file by providing professional documentation of a client’s limitations, so that the case manager can provide and coordinate services to the client that fits their needs. The case manager should be familiar with some medical terminology or be familiar with using sources such as PDR or DSM-5.  “The role of a medical consultant is to interpret the available medical data, determine any implications for health and employment, and recommend further medical care if needed” (Woodside & McClam, 2018, p.280) This is helpful for a case manager helps the case manager further knowledge and provide future recommendations on the clients conditions or if more medical treatment or services are necessary.

  1. There are many different reasons that a case manager would refer a client for psychological evaluation. “One reason is to establish a diagnosis to meet criteria of eligibility for services” (Woodside & McClam, 2018,p.288), “Another reason for a psychological evaluation is to provide justification for a particular services” (Woodside & McClam, 2018, p.288), some evaluations may provide information about client’s intelligences, personality, or aptitude (Woodside & McClam, 2018), and finally a case manager may ask for a psychological evaluation for information that is missing. The psychological report contains “written document that explains an individual’s personal characteristics, mental status, and social history” (Woodside & McClam, 2018, p.290) The three components of the psychological report consist of why the client was sent for the referral and different back ground information such as social history and age, next component is the “interpretation of raw data” (Woodside & McClam, 2018, p.291) this can include test scores, then finally the diagnosis from the evaluation and future recommendations.

B.) Medical information and medical consultations help a case manager in many aspects. For one, the case manager will be able to interact with the service medical provider and see what the assistance is that the client may need (Woodside & McClam 2018). This also gives them the opportunity to ask questions as well (). When a client is referred for a psychological evaluation there are contents of the report that are important to the case manager. One of the reasons that a case manager may refer a client to go to one of these evaluations is to establish a possible diagnosis that meets the criteria to see the eligibility for the different services available (Woodside & McClam, 2018). Another reason for a psych evaluation could be to “provide justification for a particular service” and also to resolve any contradictions and add missing information (Woodside & McClam, 2018, p 289). These are just a few reasons as to why these things help the case managers.

Woodside, M. and McClam, T. (2018). Generalist case management: A method of human service delivery (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

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