Global Issues Global Citizens

#GEA1 Persuasive Speech: Global Issues Global Citizens Assignment Time Limit: 5-9 minutes Sources: 5+ Thinking About This Assignment Debates happen all around us. Every four years, Presidential candidates engage in very formal, structured debates on specific questions presented by journalists. Every year, state legislators engage in floor debate arguing for or against legislation. Every day, trial lawyers debate who did it and why. In each of these contexts, the sides are clearly drawn, support is presented for each side, and the audience is invited to agree with one party while rejecting the claims of the other. As a culture, Westerners believe that contrasting arguments for each side is the best way to evaluate truth and make decisions accordingly. Argument is the method of politics and law, but also science, academic thought, and even religion. You should begin work on this speech by identifying an issue that has global significance. ly significant, this is an issue that impacts people in more than one country and should of concern to leaders and citizens of many or most societies. Climate change, polluted oceans, energy resources, human trafficking, genocide, war/conflict, refugee crisis/rights, and human rights are examples of topics that are global in scope. Part of your job may be to argue for the global significance of the issue you choose: How and why does this issue affect (regional, national) and global communities? In this speech, you will clearly assert a position on a globally impactful topic, and persuade the audience to take a particular action. You will provide background on the topic, clearly describe your position and solution, and offer the audience specific, actionable steps they can take. You will need to adapt your material for a listening audience. For your Persuasive Speech, you must survey your audience, and potentially develop and research new material based on audience motivation and knowledge about the topic. Repetition and clarification of ideas are especially important for a listening audience. You also will likely need to simplify and condense the material you cover to meet the time limit. Finally, keep in mind all well-developed speeches require an extensive amount of preparation and rehearsal. OUTLINE: You will need to craft a formal, content outline for this speech, which includes a formal bibliography (References = APA; Works Cited = MLA). Consult your instructor about formatting for the bibliography. F Consult schedule for deadlines. (Note: The Persuasive Outline that accompanies this speech will serve as #GEA1 [General Education Assignment 1]) THESIS STATEMENT: As part of process writing, you may be required turn in a working thesis statement on CANVAS. Consult schedule for due dates. 71 Objectives of This Assignment Students will be able to: Apply the principles of reasoning and argumentation to global issues Recognize the importance of issues in shaping content and strategy Identify and describe the global issue you choose Analyze the global issue in terms of its historical and contemporary significance. Adapt to audience and situation Incorporate diverse perspectives into their debates Demonstrate the requirements of introductions and conclusions Steps to Building a Persuasive Speech 1. Identify & Choose a global topic. You should identify a global issue on which there are at least two clear and issues that have local and global significance. As a starting place you may want to see the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: This assignment is your opportunity to expand your global awareness. Consider some of the following issues to help you brainstorm how do they affect members of the global community, not just people in the United States?: Oil Drilling Patents Geneva Convention Water Rights Sanitation Standards Labor Conditions Trade Agreements, Sanctions, & Embargos Border Monitoring Internet Censorship Military Intervention Labor Unions Human Rights Black Lives Matter Animal Rights/Animal Testing Suffrage Education Environmental Protection/Conservation Governing Issues Food Systems Green building Transportation Economic Development Sustainable Urban Design Sustainability Urban Ecology 72 Coronavirus/COVID-19 2. Research your topic. You should collect information until you feel you have a firm grasp of the issues on both sides. Make sure to include three(3) kinds of support and at least five (5) sources. Review your textbook for more information on research strategies. 3. Analyze your research You should analyze your research for historical and contemporary significance. How has this issue or problem emerged? How is it being addressed? What solutions exist? How effective are they? How do you know? 4. Develop a thesis. This thesis should be debatable and supported with evidence. Be sure to limit the terms and scope of the argument. 5. Organize your speech. What organizational pattern best fits this topic and your purpose? Create a vivid introduction that establishes your credibility as a speaker on this topic, and work for a conclusion that wraps up your argument well. Review your textbook for more information on Introductions and Conclusions. The speech must be clearly organized to utilize effective transitions, summaries, and previews to communicate the structure of the speech to the audience. 6. Create the outline. 7. Rehearse! 8. Record, Review, & Submit URL. Take time to record your speech. Watch the recording and make sure the recording is visible/audible and you are satisfied with the result. All videos should be continuous (do NOT record your speech in pieces or edit parts of the speech together). Upload your speech to YouTube. Submit the URL to the assignment. Requirements of This Assignment Debates must present clear opposing theses and support them with evidence. Each speech must include at least three different kinds of supporting material. Each speech should include at least five sources. When citing sources in a speech remember: WHERE (it was published; in what source?) WHEN (it was published) Example: In her 2018 73 Questions? Write them here. 74 Sentence Outline Persuasive Speech: Global Issues Speech Title: Fair Trade Coffee: Make the Ethical Choice in Each Cup General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to select Fair Trade coffee as both an ethical and environmental imperative Thesis: Consumers should invest in fair trade coffee. I. Introduction A. : up, look over at your alarm clock upon which you have repeatedly hit snooze and you realize you are late. Again! You throw on jeans, jump into flip-flops, and rescue a dirty tshirt that is balled up, crumpled on your bedroom floor. You need to get to class as fast as possible, but not without your morning cup of Joe. B. : As a college student, I rely on coffee to wake me up in the mornings and sometimes even keep me up for late night study sessions. C. : Like many of you, I spend hundreds of dollars a year at coffee shops, but it was only lately that I began to understand how my consumption is linked to the larger agribusiness, production, and trade of coffee around the world. As noted in the 2006 documentary, Black Gold, farmers throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America spend their lives cultivating the coffee for as little as four cents a cup when coffee shops charge between $2-6 dollars for the average cup. (Hird, Francis, & Francis 2006). (common ground) D. E. : Consumers should invest in fair trade coffee. In this presentation I will tell you two main reasons why you should invest in fair trade coffee: 1. Fair trade supports growers and producers 2. Fair trade promotes environmental sustainability I will also discuss what you can do to get involved with fair trade coffee yourself. 75 producers. II. I would like to begin by talking about how fair trade coffee financially supports growers and Body A. First, by investing in fair trade you will help support growers and producers of coffee. (signpost) 1. trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing rights of, marginalized producers and workers especially in B. 2. Certified fair trade coffees increase revenue for farmers and producers through global certification programs like Fair Trade International ( Fair trade increases the price of coffee for producers per pound, according to, from approximately $.44 to $1.26 ( 3. Increasing revenue is imperative for farmers who rely on coffee markets to feed, cloth, educate, and maintain the health of their families. Therefore, when sold in fair trade markets, coffee can bring two to three times more money back to the growers who often live on less than $1500/year, according to fair trade advisor, Jacqueline DeCarlo in her book Fair Trade: A Beginners Guide and Sociologist, Dr. Daniel Jaffee in his 2007 book, Brewing Justice (DeCarlo, 2008; Jaffee, 2007). $1500. This is 16 times lower than the United States poverty line of approximately $24,000/year, as cited by the United States Department of Health and Human Services 2015 report. ( 4. Fair trade promotes and maintains healthy labor conditions for farmers and producers. a. Coffee growers are often unable to support their families let alone pay for education or healthcare as shown in the documentary, Black Gold (Hird, Francis, & Francis, 2006). Fair trade helps farmers have the income to support their families. b. DeCarlo also writes that fair trade standards foster local safety standards and helps eliminate exploitative child labor practices. Second, by selecting fair trade coffee, you are also advocating for environmental sustainability, which is if you are concerned with maintaining your coffee drinking habit. (signpost) 1. consumption, often leads to harmful environmental practices that poison drinking water, destroy habitats and wildlife, and eliminate biodiversity, which ultimately threaten the future of coffee for each and every one of us. a. In Brewing Justice, Jaffee explains how full-sun coffee eliminates biodiversity and threatens the future potential for coffee growing because it depletes the soil nutrients (Jaffee, 2007). 76 b. 2. To be certified as fair trade coffee growers and producers must adhere to standards that maintain and support natural environments. a. For instance, Fair Trade USA s guidelines include standards that must be met in terms of soil and water, biodiversity and carbon emissions, GMOs, agrochemicals, pests and waste to ensure the natural environment is preserved and maintained ( b. 3. C. Jaffee goes on to argue that pesticides and herbicides often maintain coffee plants but have harmful effects on ground water, humans, and the ability to grow future crops (Jaffee, 2007) Fair Trade International (FLO) also has environmental standards that aim to reduce climate change and promote local environmental adaptive practices ( Fair trade also promotes sustainable practices like shade coffee and organic coffee, which Jaffee discusses at length in his book. a. Shade Coffee: For example, many fair trade coffee are also shade coffees, which support environmental diversity because they do not require farmers to clear plots solely for coffee (Jaffee, 2007). b. Organic Coffee: Many fair trade coffees are organic, meaning that farmers do not use harmful pesticides or herbicides that affect surrounding environments and surrounding cultures (Jaffee, 2007). I have spoken with you how fair trade benefits farmers and the environment, now I want to talk to you about how you can make each sip of coffee one that is fair trade certified. (signpost) 1. Look for fair trade labels (Note: show pictures of different labels): a. b. c. d. xchange 2. 3. Invest in cooperative non-profits (Ten Thousand Villages) 4. Buy online (ex. So when the next time you are shopping for coffee, buy fair trade and invest in ethical labor and environmental practices and your own coffee-drinking habit. III. Conclusion A. : In conclusion, I have explained how fair trade coffee supports growers and producers, environmental sustainability and how you can get involved with fair trade coffee. 77 B. C. : I want you to invest in fair trade coffee. : I encourage you to look for fair trade labels when buying coffee in your local supermarkets to buy online from a fair trade cooperative. D. : As you consider supporting fair trade coffees, remember what fair trade advisor, Jacqueline beans, Fair Trade or not. One bean alone is not enough. Many beans must come together to make a cup of coffee. The be fair trade coffee add up to ethical and sustainable practices for all. (Clincher) References 2015 Poverty Guidelines. (2015). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved (27 April 2015) from DeCarlo, J. (2008). Fair trade: Oxford: Oneworld Publications. Hird, C., Francis, F., & Francis, M. (Producers), & Francis F. & Francis, M. (Directors). (2006). Black gold [Motion picture]. USA: Speakit Films. Jaffee, D. (2007). Brewing justice: Fair trade coffee, sustainability, and survival. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. What is fair trade: Impact: Environment. (2015). Fair trade USA. Retrieved (28 April 2015) from: What is fair trade coffee?. (2013). The fair trade coffee company. Retrieved (4 April 2015) from Flocert: Assuring Fairness. (2015). Our roles and roots in fair trade. Retrieved (12 April 2015) from 78 Speaking Outline Persuasive: Global Issues Notecard 1 Introduction A. late but you NEED coffee A. As college student, I rely on coffee B. Hundreds of $$ spent on coffee; never thought about implications until I saw Black Gold, a 2006 documentary C. THESIS: Consumers should invest in fair trade (FT) coffee D. PREVIEW: I will cover 3 points: 1) FT supports growers and producers 2) FT promotes environmental sustainability 3) Ways you can get involved with FT Begin w/ how FT supports growers and producers. Notecard 2 Body A. FIRST POINT: FT helps growers and producers 1) Define Fair Trade with quotation from FT advisor Jacqueline DeCarlo (2008) 2) Raising price $.44/lb. to $1.26/lb. 3) Living on less than $1500/yr. (16x LOWER than U.S. poverty line according to Dept. of Health & Human Services 4) Healthy labor conditions a.) Affording healthcare b.) Eliminating child labor Buying FT also means supporting environmental sustainability. 79 Notecard 3 Body B. SECOND POINT: FT promotes environmental sustainability 1) Mass production goes hand in hand with harmful environmental practices that according to Sociologist, Dr. Jaffee in 2007 book, Brewing Justice: – poison drinking water – destroy habitats and wildlife – eliminate biodiversity – decrease our personal consumption of coffee by threatening production 2) FT standards help maintain and sustain the environment – FairTradeUSA – Fair Trade International (FLO) 3) FT & Sustainable practices a.) b.) Organic Coffee FT benefits growers, producers, and the environment, now I want to tell you how YOU can get involved. Notecard 4 C. THIRD POINT: Buying FT 1) Look for FT labels (show on slides) 2) Local Stores 3) Cooperative non-profits 4) Online retail Next time you buy coffee, buy FT. Notecard 5 Conclusion A. RESTATE POINTS: I have spoken today about how: FT supports growers and producers helps sustain the environment you can get involved B. THESIS: I want you to invest in FT coffee. C. Look for labels or buy FT online next time you need coffee. D. CLINCHER: End with DeCarlo quotation: What does it take to make a pound of coffee? You need thousands of beans, Fair Trade or not. One bean alone is not enough. Many beans must come together to make a cup of coffee. The beans and our . Let our support of fair trade coffee add up to ethical and sustainable practices for all 80 Persuasive Speech Workshop 3.1 (Individual – SOURCES) Name______________________________ Section #: _______ Topic: Working Thesis Statement: Create an annotated bibliography in which you list your sources using the specified style guide. Consult your instructor about which style guide to follow: APA or MLA. Summarize the contents of each source. You may also want to include key quotations. Make sure to note page numbers or access dates, etc. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Source 1 APA/MLA Citation: Annotation: Source 2 APA/MLA Citation: Annotation: 81 Source 3 APA/MLA Citation: Annotation: Source 4 APA/MLA Citation: Annotation: Source 5 APA/MLA Citation: Annotation: 82 Persuasive Speech Workshop 3.2 (Individual – ORGANIZATION) Name______________________________ Section #: _______ Topic: Working Thesis: List out the 3-5 main arguments of your speech. Remember these points should all help you prove your thesis. For this workshop, you will work on developing one (1) of your main points. You will develop the overall claim, as well as support (explanations, examples) and external evidence (sources) you will use to develop the claim. Main Points* Main Point 1: Main Point 2: Main Point 3: Main Point 4: Main Point 5: * Main Point Development Claim (Main Point): Support for Claim: External Evidence/Source 1 (What is the actual source? What is the citation (MLA/APA)? ([Your instructor will specify whether to use MLA or APA.]. And, what does the source say?): Explanation of Source 1: Example of Source 1: 83 External Evidence/Source 2 (What is the actual source? What is the citation (MLA/APA)? [Your instructor will specify whether to use MLA or APA.] And, what does the source say?): Explanation of Source 2: Example of Source 2: 84 Persuasive Speech Workshop 3.3 (Individual – SUMMATIVE) Name______________________________ Section #: _______ Topic: POSITION 1. Describe your position on the topic. THESIS STATEMENT 2. Write out your thesis statement: ACTION STEP 3. Describe the action you want your audience to take if they are persuaded by your speech. Remember your action step should be a specific, step-by-step behavioral action. MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES 4. Describe how you address the other side (or alternative positions) of this topic. PERSUASIVE CLAIMS 5. List your 3-4 main claims by title. Main Claim 1: Main Claim 2: Main Claim 3: Main Claim 4: 85 86 Persuasive Workshop 3.4 (Peer THESIS & ORGANIZATION) Name______________________________ Section #: _______ Name: Speech Topic/Title: : Please read through the draft of your outline. Use this workshop form to help your peer develop his/her/their outline. THESIS STATEMENT 1. Identify the thesis statement: 2. What suggestion(s) do you have for strengthening the thesis statement (in terms of clarity, specificity, and content)? MAIN POINTS/PREVIEW & REVIEW STATEMENTS 3. Does the writer have a clear preview statement (that outlines the main points of the speech) in the introduction of the outline? Circle YES or NO or NOT SURE or NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 4. Does the writer have a clear review statement (that summarizes the main points of the speech) in the conclusion of the outline? Circle YES or NO or NOT SURE or 5. Identify and list the main points of the speech. 87 NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 6. Does the speaker fully support all main points (using external research) in the outline? Circle YES or NO or NOT SURE or NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Please explain your answer. Which points need more support? Do you have ideas as to how to what evidence the speaker needs to include? SUGGESTIONS 7. What other suggestions do you have for the speaker to improve his/her/their outline? Please be specific. …