GOVT 2305 Central Texas College Privacy and Security Paper

For this assignment, write a minimum of 750 words about one topic. Submit in one document. For more detailed instructions, review the Instructions for Lesson Writing Assignments.

1) Read the Pew Research article, “Americans feel the tensions between privacy and security concerns.” How should the government balance the tensions between privacy and national security concerns? Is the Constitution clear about potential conflicts between privacy and national security? How much privacy should Americans expect in an age where information about people is so readily available?

2) Chapter 6 briefly discusses judicial interpretivists and strict constructionists. For more discussion on the issue read “How does the Supreme Court decide what the Constitution means?” How does a strict constructionist (originalist) interpret the Constitution compared to a judicial interpretivist (non-originalist)? Do you think the Constitution should be interpreted literally or is it an evolving document that needs to be interpreted differently over time? Why? Use examples of potential (or real) cases and demonstrate how a strict constructionaist and a judicial interpretivist would rule in these cases.