Grand Canyon University health & Medical Nurse leaders Paper
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The ability to communicate, and always encouraging employees to do better is the role of a nurse leader. Nurse leaders are someone employees can count on for help. It is important for the nurse leader and manager to use power on behalf of other people,rather than over them(Whitney, 2018). Nurse leaders serve as advocates for their employees by speaking up for them about workloads they may have. Nurse leaders are the ones who can make a difference in the workplace by helping make changes that can make their employees happy. For example, I work at a jail and in a unit where the workload is extremely heavy. All of the dressing changes treatments are scheduled on my shift rather than being split up evenly between the day and night shift. There is so much work to be done already on the day shift with only one RN completing all tasks when there are two RN’s on the night shift doing less tasks than the day shift RN. I felt the need to speak up for all of the day shift RN’s because that isn’t fair that we have to complete all dressing changes on the floor. I of course went to the nurse leader to ask for help. She was an advocate by speaking on our behalf to the administrative team to make changes occur. Advocacy affects patient outcomes in a positive way. By having less work as the RN, it helps us spend more time with the patient and be able to provide the best care possible.