HCA 407 California National University Strategic Management Discussion

Explain what you understand “strategic management” to be. In
other words, how would you explain the term “strategic management” to
someone who doesn’t know what the term means? (In your replies to
others, note if you agree or disagree with the explanation given and

Next, look at Exhibit 1-1 on page 12 of the text (Strategic Thinking Map of Strategic Management). Make an argument for which stage of strategic management is most important:

  • Strategic Thinking
  • Strategic Planning
  • Managing Strategic Momentum
  • I recognize that this is subjective and they are all important, but your
    task is to pick one and argue why it is the most important part of the
    process. Defend your position as to why the part of the process you’ve
    chosen is arguably the most important. In your replies explain why you
    agree or disagree.