Health Information System Worksheet

Assignment #1 : Visit the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (HIT) (ONC) website at Identify the current efforts of the ONC to promote adoption of health care IT standards for interoperability.

Answer the following question in detail:

What impact do you believe these initiatives will have? Why?

Explain information on standards for interoperability. Has the standard changed? What are the current issues surrounding the standard?

Assignment #2 : select a healthcare organization that you wish to study and provide responses to the items below. If you work in the healthcare field, feel free to use that organization. (Cleveland Clinic)

  1. Provide a background of the organization.
  2. What is the value of implementing a health information system (HIS)?

What are the challenges of adopting a health information system (HIS)?

Select two topics from below and discuss how your chosen organization manages the process:
o Medical coding
o Medical transcription
o Maintenance of medical records
o Release of information