Health Organization Disaster Planning And Response Strategy Presentation
Define ACSM/PAG in terms of days per week: (1pt) it recommends 20 minutes of aerobic activity 3 days per week
Define ACSM/PAG in terms of # of exercises: (1pt) 8-10 resistance exercises to train major muscles
Define ACSM/PAG in terms of # of sets: (1pt) 1 set per week
Define ACSM/PAG in terms of # of reps: (1pt) a set having 8-12 repetitions of major muscle exercise per week
Define an appropriate starting intensity for week one and the 5-week progression goal based on your clients Fitness Level and experience expressed as % of 1 Repetition Maximum (%1RM). (1pt)
35% of 1RM
Calculate the appropriate starting weight for Leg Press based on the %1RM you defined: (1pt)
255 x .35 = 90
Calculate appropriate starting weight for Chest Press based on %1RM you defined: (1pt)
200 x .35 = 70
Define and describe Resistance Exercises you will use: (5pts)
Please note you must include at least 2 exercises for Power. Please indicate these exercises with an asterisk (*).
Exercise Name Primary Muscle Group(s) Used
Squats * Hamistrings, Quads, and Calfs
Leg extensions Quads
Leg curls Hamstrings
Calf extensions Calves
Deadlift* Lower body muscles