HIS100 Southern New Hampshire South African Apartheid Exploration Worksheet

In preparation for Project 1, the Topic Exploration Worksheet, you will review guiding questions about three topic areas to get a sense of what topic area you would be interested in focusing on and get you started in thinking about Project 1. In Project 1, you will identify a topic area for you to explore, describe what you already know about your topic, and describe what types of sources would provide you with useful information to learn more about your topic.

Before you start reviewing the topic areas (below), think about what you already know about the topic. You may already be familiar with it from previous educational experiences. It is OK to choose a topic area you are already familiar with or choose one that is totally new to you.

While reviewing the topic areas, you are welcome to browse the library guide to see the kinds of primary and secondary sources recommended for each topic area or locate your own resources. There is no need to pursue all or any of the guiding questions posed.

Topic areas:

  • Drafting of the United States Constitution: How did political thought in Europe impact the writers of the U.S. Constitution? What events led to creation of the U.S. constitution? How were the needs of different states considered in the writing of the constitution? What was the role of citizens in the process of drafting of the Constitution? How was the Bill of Rights related to the drafting and ratification of the constitution? What impact did opposition groups to the constitution have on its final language?
  • Mao Zedong’s rule over China: How did Mao’s relationship with Stalin impact policy in China? What events led to the Great Chinese Famine from 1959 to 1961? How did the Great Leap Forward impact the Communist Party of China (CPC)? What were the effects of the Cultural Revolution on China’s youth? How did the CPC maintain political control under Mao’s leadership? What differences arose between urban and rural areas during Mao’s rule?
  • South African Apartheid: What economic forces led to the creation of apartheid in South Africa? What political and social pressures led to the downfall of the apartheid regime in South Africa? How did apartheid impact South Africa’s relationship with other nations? What role did grassroots organizations play in opposing and bringing down apartheid? How did Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment influence the opposition to apartheid?