HIST 108 Perspectives on Early America
Instructions: you need to use Perspectives on Early America: An Interactive Reader to answer these questions. Each answer should be 2-3 paragraphs and you need to use examples from the essays in your answer. You need to answer TWO of these questions.
- Gonda- Colonial Women. Describe the situation of colonial women in North America and use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.
- McMichael- Abigail Adams. Write a biography of Abigail Adams from the information in this essay with examples from her life and times.
- McMahon: Beginnings of American Culture. Describe the origins of American culture by using examples from this essay to show how our culture began.
- Comer-Eastern Woodland Indians. What was the lifestyle of these Indians and the mound builder Indians like before the arrival of whites? Use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.
- Baydo-Origins of Indian Policy. What were the major elements and individuals involved in the beginning of United States government policy towards the Indians and how did Tecumseh challenge that policy?
- Brudvig- Pawns of War. Where were some of the different examples at the attempts to educate the Indians of Virginia? Again use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.
- Baydo-Indians Wars of the West. Write a narrative that gives an overview of the wars of the West. Again use examples from the essay in your answer.