HIST 1301 Houston Community College Passamaquoddy and Wampanoag Tribes HW

Write a essay at least 300 words. Following a format.

*Paragraph I – Introduction

Paragraph II – Passamaquoddy tribe

Paragraph III – Wampanoag tribe

Paragraph IV – Compare/Contrast the two tribes

Paragraph V – Conclusion

Please read and explore the information on the tribes listed then discuss the questions below in your answer. (including into the essay)

What is the historical importance of these tribes?

Discuss at least 3 aspects of Passamaquoddy and Wampanoag life, such as:

Pre-Colonial type of clothing, homes, lifestyle, important events, people, modern life, court cases with the U.S. government

Compare and contrast the two tribes.

Also, here is the link that my prof gave these to me.





