hist 1302 us history 1

(This is the copy of requirement from the pdf file I upload below , If you see something hard to understand or not sure , please check the pdf file – page 5-6 ; or you can ask me ! )

Monograph Paper

David E. Kyvig, Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1940: How Americans Lived Through the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression.

You need to write a typed, three page or longer, double – spaced paper on the assigned monograph, based on the instructions below. You must use the MLA style explained in the Course Introduction folder on the Learning Web. You must upload the paper, as indicated in the course, by the due date.

The most important step is organizing your thoughts. Before you actually start writing the paper. Please do not use more than two direct quotations.All grammar and spelling must be correct; please review the paper carefully before turning it.The paper must conform to the MLA guidelines. Papers which are poorly written will receive a significant reduction in the grade. You need to discuss all the questions below in your paper but

please do so in a cohesive manner so the paper is not merely a listing of responses to the questions.Your paper does not necessarily have to discuss these questions in the same order as shown below.You are encouraged to provide any

additional insights on the monograph that you think are relevant, but no additional research is required.


One to two paragraph brief summary of the book.


Who is the author and what is his or her background?


Does the author have any particular ideological viewpoint that he or she is trying to advance, or do you consider the author to have been neutral and presented both sides of controversial issues?(You will find asking this same question will help you in other courses and your future career.)


What do you think of the author’s title? Would you have used a different title?


Do you believe the author accurately described the social history of the decades of the 1920s and the 1930s?What, if anything, might be excluded or added?


When was this book written?Does the author reflect the views (biases) of the time when the book was written?Why or why not?


What did you find most interesting in the book? Least interesting?


Do you think the author makes the material interesting,understandable and relevant to the general public ? Why or why not?


If you were the editor in the publishing company, what changes, if any, would you make to the author’s draft?


Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?


Did the book increase your interest in a particular issue that you would like to learn more about?


Do you think it is worthwhile to study social history?


Would you recommend that I continue to use this book in this course with future students ? Would you have preferred to read a book on another subject covered by this course (military history, economics, etc.)?

No late papers will be accepted except in extraordinary circumstances with written documentation.


There is no reason to plagiarize. Start reading the monograph and answer the questions as you go along.You are not expected to be perfect authors. The reason you are taking a college level course is so that you can develop these skills.

I would much rather receive a well-reasoned and written two- or three-page paper

than a rambling 10-page paper. Please remember what Winston Churchill once wrote at the very end of a 12 page detailed letter to one of his generals during World War II –“Sorry this letter is so long, but I didn’t have time to write a shorter one.”


Last words : Please don’t plagiarize and make sure you did all his requirements . Thanks !