HLED 317 Harold Washington College Blue Zones Summary

HLED 317 Blue Zones Summary #3

Following your final reading of the Blue Zones book, respond to the following questions/prompts in your own words regarding YOUR life and incorporate some of the reading into your answers. 

1. How much time do you spend worrying about yourself? How much time do you spend taking care of others? Make a list of your current concerns. How many of these are about yourself only?

2. Are you straightforward? Or do you store problems away, hoping they’ll simply vanish?

3. How many friends do you have that you can count on? 

4. Where do you find your daily physical activity? Do you walk? Jog? Run? Have you considered a garden? 

5. Do you have a faith, either in God, gods, higher power or ancestors that you can depend on to look over you? 

6. How much time do you spend dwelling on the past, rather than celebrating the present?

7. Do you see any correlation between water consumption, mood and health? Explain.

8. How often do you consume nuts?

9. What does your usual diet consist of? What are your favorite foods? What about your favorite guilty pleasures? It’s surprising how many of your “guilty pleasures” can be made healthier for you.

10. Do you set time aside each week to relax and rejuvenate? 

11. What are your own eating habits?

12. What is your own plan de vida (plan for living)? What is the plan de vida of the elderly in your family?

13. Are you a vital part of your neighborhood? Do you visit or get frequent visitors? 

14. What are your beliefs, spiritual, religious or otherwise? Do you have faith in these beliefs, in your future? Are you secure that you are taken care of and that you will be taken care of in the days to come? 

15. What physical chores do you take part in daily? Can you think of additional physical chores to get involved in?