HMGT 400 UMUC Research and Data Analysis in Health Care Excel Task


HMGT 400 Research and Data Analysis in Health Care-Exercise

Dataset:HMGTHOSP.csv (Please download dataset from the class.)

Required program: for all weeks EXCEL  (RStudio or R Programming for BONUS point seekers only).

Author, Hossein Zare, PhD

Citation: Zare, H. (2017). HMGT 400 Research and Data Analysis in Health Care-Exercise. UMGC.EDU

**For each exercise, Master RStudio relevant materials are posted (See the mini-module RStudio: Working toward the BONUS points

Copy Exercise # 1 from below or download the file for all week exercise from here: All Exercises HMGT 400.docx

Exercise # 1:

The attached dataset provides some information about hospitals in 2011 and 2012. Download the data, analyze it, then complete the descriptive table below. Please use the following format to report your findings.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics between hospitals in 2011 & 2012

Hospital Characteristics






St. Dev



St. Dev

1. Hospital beds

2. Number of paid Employees

3. Number of non-paid Employees

4. Total hospital cost ($)

5. Total hospital revenue ($)

6. Available Medicare days

7. Available Medicaid days

8. Total Hospital Discharges

9. Medicare discharges

10. Medicaid discharges

Round mean and figures to nearest whole number. use 2 decimal places for p values.

Based on your findings, in which year did hospitals have better performance? Please write a short paragraph describing your findings. Make sure to attach the plotted information.

Use Excel for calculations (mandatory)

(BONUS points: Use Master RStudio script is available for this exercise, but you need to modify that for this analysis)

Download data from here: HMGT400HOSP

Download RStudio script from here:E1-Codes

Download RStudio script from here (If you were not able to load the DPLYR package use this scrip):E1-Codes-No-Dplyr…

I did calculate the standard deviation and this is what I get for total hospital                 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances                                             2011   2012                Mean   216873321.5   214748023                Variance   9.27633E+16   86520419759122800      304570722.2   294143536       Observations   1505   1525                Pooled Variance   8.96213E+16                   Hypothesized Mean Difference   0                   df   3028                   t Stat   0.195387292                   P(T<=t) one-tail   0.422551437                   t Critical one-tail   1.645357008                   P(T<=t) two-tail   0.845102874                   t Critical two-tail   1.960747737             

2012 Std —


2011 std 
