homeless crisis in california write 5 paragraphs discussing to homeless crisis in california letter campaign write and mail a letter to a city or state government representative you can also submit letter via political representative s email or websi

Homeless Crisis In California

Write 5 paragraphs discussing to homeless crisis in California

Letter Campaign: Write and mail a letter to a city or state government representative. You can also submit letter via political representative’s email or website. Letter can be to express gratitude for some job well done (legislation for example) or to criticize for some action taken or not taken.

Sociological research method; Attend a community event, city council meeting, protest, or educational panel with Q&A and take field notes. Proof format: submit field notes.

OpEd project: Submit a letter to the editor (reader reaction to a published article) to the Los Angeles Times via LATimes website or email. If you are a writer, you can write/submit an OpEd piece instead of the letter to the editor.

Online Petition: Create an online petition about a social issue that matters to you