Houston Community College System Objectives on Healthy People 2020 Paper
In 1-2 paragraphs Relate/Discuss 3 goals/objectives on EACH based on the Healthy People 2020.
1)-Uninsured in relation to the healthy people Goal
Improve access to comprehensive, quality health care services.
to comprehensive, quality health care services is important for
promoting and maintaining health, preventing and managing disease,
reducing unnecessary disability and premature death, and achieving
health equity for all Americans. This topic area focuses on 3 components
of access to care: insurance coverage, health services, and timeliness
of care. When considering access to health care, it is important to also
include oral health care and obtaining necessary prescription drugs.
2) Tobacco use in relation to the health people 2020 GoalGoal
Reduce illness, disability, and death related to tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure.
knowledge about the health effects of tobacco use has increased greatly
since the first Surgeon General’s report on tobacco was released in
1964. Since the publication of that report, more than 20 million
Americans have died because of smoking.
3) Substance abuse in relation to the health people 2020 Goal.
Reduce substance abuse to protect the health, safety, and quality of life for all, especially children.
2005, an estimated 22 million Americans struggled with a drug or
alcohol problem. Almost 95 percent of people with substance use problems
are considered unaware of their problem.* Of those who recognize their
problem, 273,000 have made an unsuccessful effort to obtain treatment.
These estimates highlight the importance of increasing prevention
Pick 1 Issue/problem/health concern out of 3 Health Concerns that you have identified from above
Discuss community resources (at least 3) you can use objective tabs from each goal on the healthy community website
Identify a primary prevention topic based on the most significant problem that you had picked from above.
Use the invention tab on the healthy people website.