How can we learn to recognize, draw, and order the numbers.?

2-How can we learn to recognize, draw, and order the numbers.?

1-Why is it important to know the numbers.? The knowledge of the numbers has great importance in our daily life because it allows us to solve different operations that are presented to us daily, for example when making purchases in the market we must know how to perform different calculation operations when paying, we also use them when counting the days of the month, years or when performing calculations to know how many days, months or years on any event, compare quantities, to count objects, pieces of clothing.

There are several strategies and didactic methods to learn and generalize the learning of numbers; by counting sets of objects, modeling the numbers, drawing on various surfaces, such as sand, on the table, among others. Also by the tracing on lines, union of points, among other varied activities that can be performed.

Proper use of money when making purchases

Compare quantities

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Perform different operations such as: knowing the numbers of days that has a month and a year. How many months has a year, and different operations.

Lets take a look at the following examples about the question:

Why is it important to know the numbers.?

Lets take a look at the following examples about the question: How can we learn to recognize, draw, and order the numbers.?

By counting sets of objects

Modeling the numbers

Drawing on various surfaces, such as sand, on the table and others surfaces.

Union of points


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

Count and select the correct number

Write the numbers in the box

A. 4

B. 8