how science should be incorporated into the curriculum. I
espond to the comments of 3 students below. Each Response must be exactly 100 words. NO WORK CITED PAGES
Each response is to be specific to the original post of the individual to whom you are responding (in other words, you cannot post the same thing for each response). Each response should be a thoughtful reflection of the original post. In other words, simply saying “good idea” is not sufficient. Your replies should incorporate terminology and details from the readings and presentation.
Tips: Be sure to…
- be supportive and affirming in your responses
- individualize each response
- make sure your replies are consistent with the course material (readings and presentation)
TOPIC: Describe how science should be incorporated into the curriculum. Include 3 components of a science curriculum in your description. Select a topic/theme from either the physical, life, or earth and space chapters and plan an activity to go with the topic/theme.
*********Refer back to the assignment called “Child Development Assignment due Thursday June 18, 2020 “ Your replies must be consistent with the course material (readings and presentation)************ (LINK BELOW)