identify 2 key problems and risk factors

Based on the lectures and reading material for this week and last week. You will be applying research and learning from lectures, reading, and additional research on the following:

For this discussion, you will need to do the following:

Do: Select a Case Study from Week 11 or 12 readings from the text. For the case study selected, identify 2 key problems and identify the risk factors. From this analysis determine the root cause. You must support your response and provide a thorough understanding of your rationale in your root cause analysis.

The original response post is due by Thursday, 11/14. You are to provide at least 1 well developed response post by the end of the week. Your response post is to take the main post from a peer and determine if additional risk factors apply and support the root cause analysis. Essentially, you will provide a professional analysis of a peer post and agree or disagree with their RCA. You must be able to support your response.


40% of the grade is based on the development of the RCA for your case study in the initial post.

30% of the grade is on your critique analysis in the response post.

30% is on good writing style, supporting your work, and use of APA format.