Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, discussion help

Read Chapters 11-12 and the information included in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; scroll down the document at this website and read through Chapters V, VI and VII of the account by ex-slave Harriet Jacobs. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following item(s):

  • What does this account reveal about the nature of slavery and how slavery affected southern society?

You are required to submit an initial posting that addresses the items above. You are also expected to respond to the posting of at least one other student. Your response should address why you agree/disagree with their posting.

Minimum word counts for this assignment are as follows:  Initial Post = 200 words; Peer Response = 100 words.  These are minimum word counts–you can write more.  Be aware that only your answers count to the word counts (retyping questions into your post does not count toward the word count).

Be sure that you fully address the questions, providing detailed analysis and historical context.  Do not cut-and-paste from sources, but instead use your own words to answer in both the initial post and peer response.