Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, history homework help
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The essay must be written in MLA style. When quoting, please provide the source from where you attained the quote. Also, please attach a works cited page to your essay at the end even for the textbook were using. If students have not purchased the book, visit “Owl Purdue MLA” to see how to use MLA style. Outside or secondary sources are not required, but they can be used to write the short essay.
Observing Harriet Jacob’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, and Frances Watkins Harper’s poems, students are to discuss what life was like for enslaved Black women. What do we learn from their works about slavery and the treatment of Black women within this peculiar institution? More questions to consider for this short essay: How was the Black female body used and controlled by the White plantation owner or enslaver? What was the relationship and power dynamics between the enslaved Black woman and the enslaver White man during slavery? Students can point out how the Black woman has attempted to resist this form of control and sexual oppression. In concluding this short essay, students can talk about how this legacy has transferred into today’s society? For instance, students can point out the exploitation of Black women’s bodies extending into the entertainment industry (modeling for fashion and beauty magazines), and the film industry (movies and television shows) in the present day. Further, students can discuss how Black women have attempted to fight back against these forms of sexual oppression in the entertainment and film industry, as well as how Black women are empowering themselves and others through artistic forms of resistance. Or if students do not want to end their short essay this way, they can be creative in deciding how to make their own conclusions. Rely on the text and outside sources as evidence to support your claims.