Indiana Institute of Technology Hospital Staff Privileges Case Study Paper

Please review the following scenario and answer the questions after it considering the topics of credentialing, hospital privileges, physician supervision, malpractice, hospital structure, legality, and ethics. 

Hospital staff privileges are the authority given to a clinician to practice at a hospital within the scope of privileges granted to him or her by that hospital. This is an example of IU’s information on this topic:

James Bailey is an intern at Chicago Grace Hospital. As an intern, James is not permitted to complete surgery without a supervising doctor. This is clear in his employment agreement and James is aware of this stipulation.

On December 1st a horrible winter storm roared through Chicago and the hospital lost power. Backup generators were working but James was moving a patient on a gurney in an area of the hospital where a backup generator did not click on. He became stuck in an elevator with his patient. The patient was pregnant and needed an emergency C section. James understood how to perform this surgery but he was not authorized to do so. The patient’s vitals continued to get worse. After three minutes James grabbed the scalpel and started to complete the surgery. The elevator doors did open at this point but as he had already started a course of action he said he didn’t notice. He continued the surgery in the elevator. Three minutes later, the attending physician found James and finished the surgery. The patient died as she bled out in the elevator but the infant survived.

The hospital did complete an investigation and there is video showing the elevator door opening as he began his first cut.

Using the information in the chapters for the week, what will happen to James? Is it possible to revoke his hospital privileges? Considering hospital structure discussed in Chapter 9 who can be sued for this incident? Did James do the ethical or legal thing? How does malpractice relate to this scenario? Again these answers should be included in a 2-3 page paper on the topic. Include any references as needed.