Influences Such as Determinants of Health Rand Socioeconomic Status Paper

Topic focus: Influences such as determinants of health and socioeconomic status

Answer these two questions within the paper 1.What the overuse of antibiotics will do to the future of healthcare? 2. How has the overuse of antibiotics has led to resistance among microorganisms?

Research and outline the history of the health issues listed above. Write a formal paper in APA format from 2 creditable citable sources and references must be able to be located (500-1,000 words in length), describing the history of the issue. A title, introduction, and a reference page are required, but an abstract and conclusion are not. 

Address the following: Critically analyze the effects contribution of antibiotic overuse leading to the rise in multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO’s) and the implications for the future! We will identify the history of the health issue, the international and national implications, current national and international initiatives, nursing ethics and principles of this health issue, spiritual and religious implications, and the nurse’s role in influencing health policies regarding this health issue. 

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