Is America controlled by a group of elites or do ordinary people have substantial say
his assignment is designed to get your initial thoughts on some concepts related to democracy and citizenship. Please answer each question with a few (or more if you would like). Some of these questions could be (and are) the topic of entire books, so do not feel like you have to be comprehensive. Also, please do not “hedge your bets” and give “wishy-washy” answers. It is the spirit of the assignment to be relatively bold and state an opinion, even you may not feel 100% committed to it. The main point is to get these ideas on paper. That said, please use proper sentences and communicate your thoughts clearly. There is no need to read textbooks and the course readings in order to answer these questions. You do not need to use paragraph form, but you may if you wish. As always, use Times New Roman 12-point font and one-inch margins.
The questions are:
1. How important is it to be a “good citizen” and what makes someone a “good citizen”?
2. Does a “good citizen” need to put her private interest aside for the good of her community or are private and public interests usually compatible?
3. What do you think makes a government or a governing system legitimate?
4. Should elected representatives vote the way their constituents want or the way that they think is best for everyone? How should they balance these two considerations?
5. Is America controlled by a group of elites or do ordinary people have substantial say? Whatever is the case, is it just natural that it would be this way?
6. Do many different groups have influence in America? If so, what is most important to a group’s influence, having more money, having more people or are both powerful?
7. Are many important issues in American politics taken off the political agenda because of powerful interests? Which issues?
8. Are some groups of Americans excluded from having much power, influence or say in our political system? Who?
9. Do most people understand their best interests and pursue them in politics or do some people misunderstand their best interests and even work against themselves?
10. How important are the roles of cynicism, withdrawal, feelings of powerlessness, self blame, low efficacy and apathy in American politics? Can something be done?
11. Is the status quo in America generally good even if there are some problems, or would radical change be worth the risk?
12. Are radicals often good people advancing good causes for good reasons, or are radicals often just troublemakers who have ulterior motives?