Journal # 2 The Market Revolution, 1800-1840, history homework help

In this second journal activity, you may write about any topic(s) of your choice, but it is best to use the textbook to study.

  • For this activity, topics should address content covered in Chapters 9 – 15 in the textbook. 
    • It is expected that, at a minimum, you are reading the assigned textbook chapters.
    • You are encouraged to read collateral historical writings on topics covered in the textbook.
  • This activity will consist of 10 separate journal entries.
  • Each separate entry should:
    • contain a minimum of 120 words.
    • consist of a summary, paraphrase, synthesis of material you are reading/studying in this course.
    •  do not quote the work of others verbatim.
    • discuss the subject matter that you are studying – do not simply agree/disagree.
  • Your study involves, first and foremost, learning the nation’s past; doing so requires a review of previously published studies, so you are encouraged to conduct research using outside resources, but be sure to draft your journal entries in your own words.
    • Direct quotations should not be used; citations are not necessary.
    • Do not copy/paste information from any source.
    • No citations

{Give Me Liberty}

Chapter 9: The Market Revolution, 1800-1840
Chapter 10: Democracy in America, 1815-1840

Chapter 11: The Peculiar Institution
Chapter 12: An Age of Reform, 1820-1840

Chapter 13: A House Divided, 1840-1861
Chapter 14: A New Birth of Freedom: The Civil War, 1861-1865

Chapter 15: “What is Freedom?”: Reconstruction, 1865-1877