Journal entry (What have the materials covered in class this week prompted me to consider?​ )

Be sure to answer the question: What have the materials covered prompted me to consider?

Sources to use to answer the question:

Rio’s Favela Wars, Parts 1-3

Rio’s Favela Wars Part 1 (Links to an external site.) (YouTube link)

Rio’s Favela Wars Part 2 (Links to an external site.) (YouTube link)

Rio’s Favela Wars Part 3 (Links to an external site.) (YouTube link)

Brazil’s Rio Makeover – “A Look into Brazil’s Makeover of Rio’s Slums” (3 pages) (Links to an external site.).  The article is from the Smithsonian magazine, January 2013

Chapter 4 in the Cities of the World textbook   “Cities of the World: Regional Patterns and Urban Environments 6th edition” BOOK

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