journal review 23

For this assignment, the student will select a peer reviewed journal article from one of the databases located in the University’s online library. The article will relate in some way to Crisis Intervention: The Criminal Justice Response to Chaos, Mayhem, and Disorder (Harmening), Use of force.

After the student reads the article, they should download the Journal Article Review Template. The student will then complete a Journal Article Review of the article they read. The assignment is not to be too much shorter or longer than the example in the template. Ensure that you focus on discussing implications the article has on criminal justice as this is the most important aspect of this process. How does the article’s content relate the field of law enforcement? This can be accomplished in the conclusion of the assignment. Once the student has completed the review, they should submit the review the assignment folder.

[1] A peer reviewed journal article is an article written by experts and is reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in an academic journal in order to insure the article’s quality.