Langara College Gross Motor Activity Discussion

Activity Name- Egg

and Spoon GMA Assignment


Date- 05-06-2022

Warm Up (1 minute) (2 marks)

 March in motion- 20 sec

 Jumping jacks- 20 sec

 High knees- 20 sec

State the objective(s) of the activity (5 minutes) (2 marks)

The main objective of egg and spoon activity is to maintain balance by

making hand and eye coordination. This activity is full of fun and

enjoyment therefore can easily take part in it.

Rules (4 marks)

In this activity, one spoon and one egg will be given to the kids, and they

should be line up and carry their spoon with their teeth. After that, they

have to balance their egg on the spoon without touching it with hands and

take it to the finish line. If the egg falls from the spoon, then they may be

disqualified. The participant who reaches at the finishing line first will be

the winner of the activity.

Cool Down (1 minute) (2 marks)

 Butterfly stretch- 20 sec

 Child pose- 20 sec

 Cat-Cow- 20 sec

Diagram (Setup/layout of your activity) (4 marks)



State any materials that are

needed for the game/activity (2


 Spoon and hard-boiled or

plastic eggs are needed in this


State any challenges that

you might encounter and

how you will overcome them

(4 marks)

 There may be some challenges

that might be faced while

playing this activity as in this

kids have to make balance due

to which they may get nervous

and loss their balance. I will

take care of their safety so that

they will not get injured as well

as I will also cheer them so that

they get motivation.