Liberty University Tiffany Montgomery Discussion Responses
Discussion Responses
First reply:
Janai Deitt
Rounds and Dyads
Implementation of Techniques
An excellent way to focus groups or teams is to use rounds or dyads. Rounds use a comment or designated word, number, or phrase to get every member of the group to speak. This is effective for groups that deal with tasks and projects because it helps foster trust, focus, and cohesion (Jacobs et al., 2016). I personally like to combine a designated word and comment round to get feedback from a group project. After a group has completed the project or tasks it was assigned, I like to have each member tell me if the way the tasks were setup, member participation was encouraged, and implementation of those tasks were effective or not for them. I then ask for one to two sentences on why it was or was not effective. This allows me to analyze the results and keep the effective results and improve or not use the ineffective results. A round of Here-Not Here is also good for group members to participate in whenever starting a project or task meeting. This helps members focus on the task or project at hand and allows shy members get used to talking and participating more in the group (Jacobs et al., 2016). I experienced this firsthand when the executive board of Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC), that I am a member of, got together to create this year’s vision. The executive board functions as a management team by making decisions about the day to day operations and well as creating and setting future goals for the PWOC chapter at Fort Knox (Forsyth, 2019). It also functions as a project team by coming together when planning a large event, then reverting to a management team after the event has occurred. At our vision quest meeting we chose a theme scripture and then went in several comment rounds to dissect the verses and really focus our vision on the top priorities for our body. This is also a great way to get information on what members know and what knowledge may be lacking as well as increasing the energy in the group (Jacobs et al., 2016). At that vision quest, the excitement was palpable because we fed on each other’s fresh insight which created more creative momentum and we were able to discover many more practical and creative ideas to implement this year.
Round and Dyad Example
PWOC has a newcomer’s breakfast coming up next week and there will be many ladies that do not know each other. The executive board has been tasked to help newcomers connect and so every aspect of the breakfast has been planned with that in mind. To facilitate this connection, there will be several icebreaker activities. Some involve the whole group, some will be rounds within smaller groups, but we will also utilize dyad exercises to help newcomers feel even more welcome. There are always very introverted and shy ladies that come and dyad activities are helpful for them to talk to only one other person instead of an overwhelming amount of people (Jacobs et al., 2016). An example of a small group round would be asking each member to comment on their favorite aspect of fall, since we are entering into that season. When ladies are in a dyad or pairing activity, they can discuss with their partner what each of them are struggling with this year and what they expect from PWOC. This will help ease newcomer anxiety and kickstart the formation of new friendships while also allowing the executive board to accomplish our task of connection facilitation. After the breakfast, the executive board will meet again to debrief and make use of a comment round to get feedback on what went well and what we should change for future small group meetings and events.
Forsyth, D. (2019). Group dynamics (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Jacobs, E. E., Schimmel, C. J., Masson, R. L., & Harvill, R. L. (2016). Group counseling strategies and skills (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Second reply:
Tiffany Montgomery
DB Forum 4 Thread
A round is an activity where every member is asked to respond to stimuli posed by a leader (Corey et. al, 2014). There are three kinds of rounds for group interaction: the designated word round, the word or phrase round, and the comment round (Jacobs et al., 2016).
In the video, How to use Rounds Effectively, the author uses three short videos to demonstrate how to execute rounds during group sessions. In a group setting, rounds can assist the leader in gathering information and keeping the members involved throughout the session (Corey et. al, 2014).
In observing techniques used in the video, I would implement the designated phrase round because it allows the leader to assess the member’s attentiveness. Additionally, it enables members to show transparency and share their feelings and thoughts with the group. A leader needs to use rounds to shift the group’s focus, build trust, and locate the members (Jacobs et al., 2016). In contrast, the leader must be aware not to overuse rounds because it may cause the members to become uninterested, confused, or perceive the skill as a gimmick (Jacobs et al., 2016).
Designated word round Example
Leader: I would like to go around the room and receive a simple here, getting here, or not responding to how you are feeling at this present moment. We will start here to my left with Noel.
Noel: Here.
Sam: Not Here.
Kattie: Getting here.
Justin: Here.
Tina: Here.
Leader: Sam and Kattie, I understand that you are not feeling quite here. I appreciate your honesty. Is there anything that I can do to help you feel more present?
Kattie: No, not really.
Sam: I just don’t want to be here.
Leader: Kattie, if you think of anything that will help, please let me know. Sam, I understand that you do not wish to be here. Would you like to discuss your thoughts on where you would like to be right now?
Dyad Example: A closed support group for individuals with low self-esteem and lacking confidence. Note: there are six members present in the group, and this is the 5th group meeting.
Leader: You will pair up with another group member for the next five minutes and discuss behaviors or characteristics that you would like to change or modify about yourself. Does anyone have any questions?
Members: No questions.
Leader: Okay, great! Please pair off into your groups, and we will rejoin in five minutes.
Each example demonstrates how a round can add value to the group by showing group participation. In the first group example, every member commented with a short word while given the opportunity to expound on thoughts, feeling, or concerns. In the dyad example, members connected with others, aiming to improve the level of communication and understanding between their peers. This technique is valuable because it enhances the communication process and offers a member interactive experience with peers without the leader’s involvement.
Dyads and rounds are vital skilled exercises that allow members to have a voice within the group and enable leaders to gather useful information to shift focus to optimize the group’s success further.
Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Haynes, R. (2014). Groups in action: Evolution and challenges (2nd
ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. (DVD and workbook).
Jacobs, E. E., Schimmel, C. J., Masson, R. L., & Harvill, R. L. (2016). Group counseling:
Strategies and skills (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.
Third reply:
Temika Mitchell
Rounds and Dyads
Group therapy can cause anxiety to some individuals. The use of rounds and ddyads may help those with anxiety as well as assist in participation within the session. (Corey at al,2014). The group leader or counselor will be the one who initiate the rounds and dyads. Explanation of the those two techniques should at the beginning of the session to ensure that no one is confused. There are three types of rounds that are commonly used. (1) designated word, phrase or number.(2) word or phrase.(3) comment round. ( Jacobs et el, 2016). An example, the 1 through 10 rating. The leader or counselor gives the members or clients a question that has to answered with a specific word or number. A brief explanation is also asked of the members to ensue a conversation.
As seen in the video, dyads are also used in conjunctions with rounds. According to Forysth, a dyad consist of a pair people that engage in an activity where pair of members discuss issues or complete a task. Dyads aen triads are a key component in involving all group members or clients allowing for all members to voice thoughts and concerns. It also can help those that are quiet or shy to become active in the meeting. (Forysth,2014,pg.29). An example of this would be to have the pair discuss a topic among themselves and maybe have them write down a few thoughts on it to be discussed out loud in the group.
Jacobs,E.E.,Schimmel,C..L.&Harvil,R.L.(2016).Group Counseling:Strategies and Skills(8th ed). Boston,MA:Cengage
Forsyth,D.R.(2019). Group Dynamics(7th ed.). Boston,MA: Cengage