Max Weber and Karl Marx Current Event Case Study

For this paper, you will use the ideas of two social theorists to analyze a current event, and then compare and contrast the resulting analyses.

To prepare for the assignment:

  1. You need to select a current article (from the last six months-ish) from the New York Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post. It can be one article or an ongoing story, like COVID-19, the upcoming election, climate change, etc. If you choose something broader, like the election, you will probably be using several articles instead of just one. You should choose something significant enough to enable you to analyze it from various theoretical perspectives. If you are unsure about which topic/story to choose, I am happy to help. If I were doing this assignment, I would probably choose an article that deals with the economy in some way or a story that has to do with inequality. With that said, I would also encourage you to be creative.
  2. Read the article and make sure you know the ins and outs of the story. 
  3. Make sure you have done the readings of the theorists you chose carefully AND understand them. 

Theorists to choose from:




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