memo on reflection

Reflection Memo

(includes Journal & Peer Evaluation)

  • 35 points
  • Format: Memo.
  • Submit: Upload your memo as a Word or Google document to Canvas.
  • Grading: Letter

Required Content

Your reflection memo has two main parts:

  1. Self Evaluation
  2. Peer Evaluation


I am the audience for your Reflection Memo. You do not need to share your reflection with other group memos. However, please don’t write anything in the reflection memo that I cannot share with your group members. My plan is not to cite my sources for the peer reflections–but I will summarize them.


It is my plan to base grades for this memo on both your self-assessments and the assessments of your peers. I will also base the grade on how well you communicate your reflection. Thus, I strongly encourage you to carefully edit your memos. I plan to read all of the memos for each group before assigning a grade for the project. If only one person complains about a group member, I will ignore that, but if there is a trend, I will use that trend when assigning a grade for that group member–and I will summarize the critiques of group members. In egregious cases where a colleague has failed to turn in work at all, his/her final grade on the group project will also be impacted.

Here, I’m most interested in an authentic evaluation of

  1. What you learned about group work and collaboration.
  2. How you would evaluate the performance of your peers.

In other words, I seek sincerity over hyperbole, specifics over vagueness. Educate me.

Self Evaluation

Suggested length: 100 to 200 words.

  1. To help you write your memo, to provide it greater authenticity and specificity, I ask that you keep an informal journal about your group work project over the duration of the group project.
    1. To add ethos, please include links to your journal in the self-assessment part of your memo.
    2. So that I can have a sense of the details of your experience, I ask that you link–as logical–to the Team Charter, and link to other documents turned in during the conduct of this group project.

For the self-evaluation, I ask that you weigh in on what you learned about collaboration, and to make this analysis a bit deeper than just anecdote, I suggest you read about
collaboration and perhaps even skim Oliveri, M., Lawless, R., & Molloy, H. (2017).
A Literature Review on Collaborative Problem Solving for Workforce

  1. Readiness. GRE Board Research Report Series. and ETS Research Report Series, 1-27. Doi:10.1002/ets12133. Then, when you talk about your experience, please feel free to use insights from these texts.

Peer Evaluation

Suggested length: 300 to 500 words.

I ask that you provide a summary table that lists your peers by name, reflects on their work, and recommends a grade.

Peer’s Name: _______________________

Peer’s Grade: _______________________

Peer’s Role(s): _______________________

Peer’s Accomplishments: __________________________________

It was brought to our team’s attention that the majority of college students didn’t know what to study in college or were unhappy in what they were studying. This is a big deal considering what you study in college is what you do as a career usually for the rest of your life. Most college students never find out what they want to study. They may find out what they’re studying they dislike but they are usually in their junior or senior year of college and don’t want to spend more time and money in college so they stick with a degree they don’t enjoy. With the exploratory education program we want to have more college students confident in what they’re studying, so when they enter the workforce they can enjoy what they’re doing and not have regrets that they wished they studied something else. This is a summary about our project. In general my peer is Ricardo Ayala, Senior Editor and researcher.