Miami Regional University Week 11 Nursing Practices Discussion

1)Discussion Question: ( at least 2 references, no more than 3 years, APA 7 edition) between 350 and 450 words, two different paragraghs.

You are the Director of Nursing in an Oncology Unit in a large teaching medical center that is university-affiliated. You are concerned that the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods.

  1. How would you perform a systematic review of the evidence on this subject?
  2. How would you design a new clinical practice guideline for the facility once the systematic review is complete?

2) reply this: (at least 1 reference no more than 3 years, 250 words minimum)

Evidence-Based Nursing Practices

Nurses use many techniques in their practice. Nurse Managers in various departments are usually responsible for ensuring that new nurses use better and appropriate techniques when handling patients. As the Director of Nursing in the Oncology Unit at the University of Utah Hospital, I have to conduct a systematic review to develop a new clinical practice that new nurses can adopt because the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods. A systematic review is a crucial element of evidence-based healthcare (Immonen et al., 2019). To conduct a systematic review of the currently used nursing practice, I will gather adequate pieces of evidence to justify how the technique being used is ineffective. I will provide a reliable source of evidence to demonstrate how the nursing practice used in the facility is ineffective in providing the majority of healthcare services and only effective in managing a few cases in the Oncology Unit.

After completing the systematic review of the evidence on the ineffectiveness of the currently used nursing practice, I will design a new clinical nursing practice for nurses working in the Oncology Unit at the University of Utah Hospital. I will develop evidence-based recommendations to guide new nurses in decision-making during the diagnosis, management, and treatment of different types of cancer under specified circumstances. This will be important in improving clinical outcomes.

3)Reply this: (at least 1 reference no more than 3 years 250 words minimum)

The systematic review of the evidence related to ineffective use of IV catheter insertion by new registered nurses involves identifying the problem and analyzing the issue from the study. From the situation at hand, the systematic review entails defining the methods used, the accountability and replicability of the information, and understanding the relevancy and usefulness of the report. The report details that the university-affiliated teaching medical center experiences ineffective in their IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program. The registered nurses are currently using IV catheter insertion, which is not as effective as other methods.

First, check how the report followed the method used to ascertain that the IV catheter insertion and orientation program are ineffective. This follows by understanding why new registered nurses are having difficulty using the technique and program effectively. For instance, this check if the insertion site was correct and if there were any difficulties and failures during the procedure (Jacobson & Winslow, 2005). The evidence’s accountability and replicability call for checking the results defined by recovery statistics of patients taken through IV catheter insertion. Lastly, the relevance and usefulness of the evidence explain how it affects the facility when the provision of high-quality treatment is at play. The reduction in quality of the treatment from the IV catheter insertion confirms the evidence to be true.

Defining a new clinical practice guideline for the facility once the systematic review is complete calls for closing the gaps in practice that raises the ineffectiveness of treatment option. The clinical guideline starts with training new registered nurses about the treatment options and alternatives to the defined options (AAFP, 2019). For instance, in this case, it involves training new registered nurses about alternative options to IV catheter insertion. Also, the guideline should define communication margins that require collaboration, contacts among relevant authorities, and feedback mechanisms (AAFP, 2019).