module vocal 10

Module 10 vocabulary wiki

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As the title suggests, this activity creates a basic vocabulary list of terms and/or concepts found in CHAPTER 10. Students are expected to FIND and then POST one term or phrase with a brief definition (1-2 paragraphs maximum). It is a graded assignment so every student should participate by adding a definition for at least one unique term. Moreover, as you read over the posts of your colleagues, please feel free to use the “like” feature to distinguish good definitions from others.

The idea is to create a vocabulary list that will help you prepare for the exam (and life). The great part about this exercise is that it is a WIKI (i.e. everyone helps to populate the list, so it doesn’t depend on a single person). Smart, eh?

If you derive the definition from the textbook, be sure to include the page number(s) as a courtesy to your colleagues. If you find information on a relevant topic from an outside source, please paste the URL in your post.

Define -team effectiveness

as it states in our text on page 304 and 305. It reads, “There are several criteria that may be used to judge a team’s effectiveness.