Movie Discussion and Video Response: Ballad of Gregorio Cortez

If you are having difficulties viewing the video it can be found in the files section of canvas.

Also use the power point presentation for further information.

What is the attitude that some white’s have towards the Mexican American community?

Who is to blame for the incident?

What seems to be the underline problem in the movie? (don’t just look at race)

How do you feel about the movie?

Here is how to write a summary

  • The title of their work:

Oranges, Peanuts and Flower in Los Angeles.

  • Provide the source and publisher, date:

The Journal of Chunty History, Mex. Press, 2000

    • Provide the authors name :

    Jose Arrieta

    • Their work:

    Oranges, Peanuts and Flower in Los Angeles.

    • Source and publisher, date:

    The Journal of Chunty History, Mex. Press, 2000

  • Provide 3 bullet points regarding what you read
    • Ex. People come to the U.S. for economic reasons
    • Mexican people are hard workers
    • Mexican people are stereotyped as lazy
    • Quote cited and Page number:

    “Los Angeles street corner intersections provide various street vending services that can also be experienced in Mexico” (Arrieta: 187).

  • *Summary 50 words or less.*Arrieta argues, street vending provides an economic opportunity for many immigrant families living in Los Angeles, which often creates an economic pull factor to cross the border illegally. (28 words)