Natural Hazards & Human Made Hazards
Post your response to one of the following discussion questions for Module 2, HMP Chapters 3, 4, & 5. Please note the # of the question for which you comment. Your initial response for each selected question has to be at least 250 words. Please add a word count at the end of each response. Cite the weekly readings and other sources, if needed, to support your comment. Past and current hazard events are recommended to talk about as examples in your comments. You also have to comment on one initial response from other students.
Q1: What are some typical hazards of low-frequency AND high-impact? What hazards are high-frequency AND low-impact? Specify the type of hazard (e.g., hurricane) with an example hazard event (e.g., Hurricane Irma in 2017).
Q2: Why do we have to study and manage both rapid-onset disasters and slow-onset disasters? (hints: all-hazard approach; risk analysis).
Q3: What are some commonalities and differences between natural hazards and human-made hazards? Can similar preparedness and mitigation measures be applied to both categories? Use hazards examples when making the comparison.