need help in cryptography course discussion 4
Part 1: There are three standardized approaches to digital signatures: RSAPSS, ECDSA, and the original DSA developed by NIST. One advantage of RSA-PSS is that RSA-based signature schemes are already widely used in commercial applications. One advantage of DSA is that it is the original scheme approved by NIST and is implemented in numerous packages, especially within the US government and government contractors. One advantage of ECDSA is efficiency.
- Discuss the relative merits of the three approaches for a new commercial product
part 2: we need to respond to two of my classmates posts.
Required Text
Stallings, Williams. Cryptography and Network Security. Pearson, 2017.
Print ISBN: 9780134444284, 0134444280
eText ISBN: 9780134444635, 0134444639
Other articles and readings may be assigned by course professor.
Recommended Materials/Resources
Harris, Shon. All in One CISSP Exam Guide, Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Paar, Christof, Pelzl,Jan and Preneel, Bart. Understanding Cryptography: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners. Springer Publishing, 2010.
Rhodes-Ousley, Mark. The Complete Reference to Information Security, Second Edition.McGraw-Hill, 2013.