need just 2 thoughtful questions

need you just to create one thoughtful question and o question outside of this articles. Basically need u to fins some article related to this articles above and create a thoughtful question.

about the question outside of these articles below -> you should bring in a relevant outside reading that will add to our knowledge of the topic. More specifically, you must locate an outside reading (peer-reviewed journal article published in the last three years) relevant to the week’s topic, write an annotated bibliography, and prepare one thoughtful discussion question based on this outside reading.

Berk, L. E. (2018). Exploring lifespan development (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. – Chapters 16 and 17

Bherer, L., Erickson, K. J., & Liu-Ambrose, T. (2013). A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults. Journal of Aging Research.doi: 10.1155/2013/657508

Kelly, M. E., et al. (2014). The impact of cognitive training and mental stimulation on cognitive and everyday functioning of healthy older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ageing Research Reviews, 15, 28–43.
doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2014.02.004

Martinson, M., & Berridge, C. (2015). Successful aging and its discontents: A systematic review of the social gerontology literature. The Gerontologist, 55(1), 58–69. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu037

examples for other students DIFFRENT TOPIC

:How to encourage healthy living habits? Attachment


This week’s chapter 13 in Berk (2018) describes how biological aging at the DNA level and in body cells is of two types: 1) those that emphasize the programmed effects of specific genes and 2) those that emphasisze the cumulative effects of random events that damage genetic and cellular material (p 355). Also described is how telomere length can be utilized to measure the impacts of chronic health issues, stress and environmental impacts which contribute to the aging process (p. 357). In this qualitative study by Olafsdottir et al., they evaluate the stress-buffering effects of nature connected exercise, and the importance of the context in which exercise takes place. This investigation of context effects examines both individual physiological responses (salivary cortisol) and the phenomenological interpretation of lived experiences of the intervention, reported by a subsample of participants in a randomized, controlled trial, in which healthy, physically inactive university students were randomly allocated to three activities: walking on a treadmill in a gym, walking in semi-natural recreational area, and sitting and watching nature-based videos on TV. The study found natural environments can positively impact stress reduction and shows clear indications of context effects, notably in the connections between positive appraisals of perceived circumstances, enjoyment in the enacted context, and physiological stress-reduction. Knowing that stress reduction can improve telomere length, what can be done to encourage young adults to develop a desire and practice to connect with nature?

Olafsdottir, Gunnthora; Cloke, Paul; Vögele, Claus. (2017). Place, green exercise and stress: An exploration of lived experience and restorative effect. Health and Place. July 2017 46:358-365 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.02.006, Database: ScienceDirect

File Place–green-exercise-and-stress–An-exploration-of-lived-exp_2017_Health—.pdf (

In this week’s readings, Arnett (2000) proposes his developmental theory of emerging adulthood as a period of self-exploration through life, love, and work experiences between adolescence and adulthood. In addition, Arnett (2000) theorizes that this time period may be shortened or limited by a lack of educational or vocational opportunities that place these emerging adults out of this exploration stage. Recently, Arnett (2016) posits that his theory of emerging adulthood can apply across social classes to suggest that regardless of an individual’s socioeconomic status (SES) that this theory is applicable to them. In his recent article, Arnett (2016) suggests that emerging adults across social classes (i.e., low, middle, and high) all share similar views towards the five features of emerging adulthood: identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood, and possibilities. Thus, Arnett (2016) suggests that his theory of emerging adulthood can be seen as a general phenomenon across social classes. In Arnett’s 2000 article, he claimed that his theory of emerging adulthood may be more likely to vary across social classes than vary by ethnicities. In Arnett’s 2016 article, his recent findings are based on a sample size of 710 participants between the ages of 18 to 25 years old, which was mainly composed of 58% Whites and the rest as 19% Latinx, 13% African Americans, 5% Asian Americans, and 5% other. As we’ve learned in our various classes at Roosevelt University that people of color are more likely to be of low SES compared to their White counterparts due to decades of marginalization, workplace oppression, geographical segregation, and no or little access to resources that enable social mobility like higher education.

With this information, how generalizable would you consider is the theory of emerging adulthood to apply across cultures (i.e., social class and ethnicity)? Would you agree or disagree with critics of Arnett (2000; 2016) that this time period mainly applies to White, mid-to-upper class U.S. citizens that have the financial resources and the social mobility to obtain educational and occupational opportunities? How important do you think it is for emerging adults to have this time period of exploration?

Arnett, J. J. (2016). Does emerging adulthood theory apply across social classes? National data on a persistent question. Emerging adulthood, 4(4), 227-235.

We’ve previously discussed the many ways in which a person’s SES influences their biological development and their interaction with their environment. From an ecological systems perspective, how might a child’s SES background impact their experiences in informal learning settings (besides having limited opportunities)?

Outside Article/Annotated Bib/Discussion Question


Corning, A. F., & Heibel, H. D. (2016). Re-thinking eating disorder prevention: The case for

prioritizing the promotion of healthy identity development. Eating Disorders, 24(1), 106–113.

This article suggests that eating disorder prevention should emphasize and prioritize identity development in adolescents, which can help foster a higher self esteem. It states that many teens are in the process of identity development, wondering “who am I?”, and during this fragile time of identity it is easy for maladaptive coping behaviors to take over and become the individual’s identity. This call to action has been inspired due to only half of eating disorder prevention programs showing to be effective in reducing risk factors, in which the authors think that focusing on identity development can begin to help close these gaps. The article goes on to discuss different research studies targeting eating disorders, youth and their identities, using the information to strengthen the relationship between the two as relevant. In the concluding remarks, it is noted that there is still much more research to be done. The need to look into already successful and established youth development programs is suggested and transfer key aspects into a prevention program. The program suggested by the researchers will strive to incorporate clinical patterns and data from within/outside the eating disorder field which will also prioritize helping to build strong and positive identities in adolescents.

Discussion Question:

In what ways do you think researchers can show teens how to build a positive identity within themselves? How can this program tackle this issue while also considering other variables that may be affecting these adolescents disordered eating patterns?