organizational behavior 4 1

The discussion requires a minimum of 300 words, 3 scholarly sources, including the textbook. Make sure that you use APA style with your references. Under no circumstances use any direct quotes. Any directly quoted or copied material will result in a zero for the assignment. Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work.

Reference for textbook attached:

Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational behavior (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

1 Apply distributive justice theory to a situation you experienced at work…i.e. bonus, salary increase, promotion.

1,500 word count and there is a total of 5 questions each (not including in-text citation and references as the word count), a minimum of 4 scholarly sources are required in APA format. For the 4 scholarly sources, one from the textbook that’s posted below and the other two from an outside source . Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work. Under no circumstances use any direct quotes. Any directly quoted or copied material will result in a zero for the assignment.

Reference for textbook attached:

Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational behavior (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Why DineEquity’s CEO Julia A. Stewart Manages Like a Teacher (pp. 262-263):

  • 1. What elements of the performance management cycle in Figure 9-1 are evident in Stewart’s comments?
  • 2. Is Julia Stewart a good role model for how to generate employee engagement and motivate the employees in her company’s restaurants. Explain.
  • 3. In terms of Thomas’s four building blocks in Figure 9-3, how would you rate Stewart’s teaching style of management for generating intrinsic motivation in her employees? Explain
  • 4. What role does positive reinforcement play in this case? Do you think Stewart uses it effectively? Explain.
  • 5. What would be the favorable or unfavorable factors in working for Stewart as a restaurant manager based on her leadership style?