organizational culture and structure


In this project, you will view a video and discuss the organizational culture and organizational structure of the assigned organization.

Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment

  • organize human, physical, and financial resources for the effective and efficient attainment of organizational goals

How to Set Up the Paper

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced using 12-point font. The final product will be 3-4 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Write clearly and concisely.


You have been hired as an associate in a software company that offers support solutions and customer service to more than 500 businesses in the United States. The company has recently started to experience significant growth and will need to hire many new associate positions. Your manager, Jack, has asked you to help create a recruiting video for the company that emphasizes the company as having a positive corporate culture in which employees live the company’s core values and like coming to work. Jack provides you with a recruiting video for Zendesk, a favorite company of his, and has asked you to view the video to gain an understanding of the concepts, organizational culture and organizational structure. Jack knows the value of seeing is believing but also knows the value in a person who is able to articulate what is seen.

Jack has asked you to view the video on Zendesk:

Use this link, Project 2 Template to complete the project.

Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present. The following are specific requirements that you will follow. Use the checklist to mark off that you have followed each specific requirement.


Specific Project Requirements

Proofread your paper

Read and use the grading rubric while completing the problem set to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.

Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:

Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.

Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Instead put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Not using direct quotation marks means that there should be no passages with quotation marks and instead the source material is paraphrased as stated above. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. You may not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, as doing so would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade and could lead to allegations of academic dishonesty.

You are expected to use the research and weekly course material to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material along with thorough analysis of potential location information. Material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade and could lead to allegations of academic dishonesty.

Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.

You may not use books in completing this problem set unless part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary or Wikipedia.

Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation presented. If the eBook does not have pages, provide the chapter title and topic heading. If using a video, provide the minutes and second of the cited material.