pjm330 module 7 portfolio milestone

Module 7: Portfolio Milestone

  • Points 75
  • Submitting a file upload

Portfolio Milestone (75 Points)

Simulation Completion and Paper

The entire Portfolio Project is worth a total 350 points, and it is composed of three parts:

  • Part 1: Weekly participation in the discussion forums for the project portfolio simulation (15 points each week during Weeks 1-6, 90 points total)
  • Part 2:Summary paper submitted during Module 7 as a Portfolio Project Milestone (75 points)
  • Part 3:Written analysis of the simulation, including best practices gained and lessons learned – this is due in Module 8 (185 points)

Each part of this project is important and must be completed on time, and Part 2 is due this week.

Complete the work related to this module, which is the conclusion of the project management simulation. After the completion of your simulation, provide the following items in a 3-4 page summary paper:

  • A screenshot or PDF of your final simulation assessment from the DoubleMasters interface.
  • A brief summary of the areas where you did not achieve full points. For this summary:
    • Discuss the areas you struggled with and why you think you struggled.
    • Determine the concepts you’ve studied in the past seven weeks that are tied to these areas.

The purpose of this is to provide you with a framework for your Lessons Learned portion of your Project Portfolio, which will be submitted in Module 8. These will not be fully defined lessons learned yet; instead, this milestone is to ensure you recognize what areas you can improve on from the actions in the simulation.