“Please create a spreadsheet, research which countries they have headquarters in and any that are outside of the US please also research and locate all major retail brands (over 5,000 employees) and log on a spreadsheet.

please have a look on the excel sheet and make sure that all 101 company have the right location place and that the company are in order and then fill up the missing in formation .

“Please create a spreadsheet, research which countries they have headquarters in and any that are outside of the US please also research and locate all major retail brands (over 5,000 employees) and log on a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet needs to have the following columns:””””the list is created “”””

i need to find

1- Sponsor Company,

2-Retail Brand Company,

3- Country

4- website

I reviewed the spreadsheet and I do not believe has all of the sponsor headquarters included. For instance ICF Next has 4 international locations (see link https://www.icf.com/next/contact) but I only see one US location included on the spreadsheet. Also, for each international sponsor headquarter there should be at least 15 corresponding retail brands that are located in that country. Can you go back through the sponsors and log all international headquarters and then for each international country log 15 retail brands that are located within that country?

please fill in the missing parts and add more as much as you can find