pm week 4 assignment


This assignment continues building the project planning artifacts by creating the budget, which supports the cost triple constraint. In this assignment, you will create cost estimates and a Planned Value (PV) Curve.

Assignment Instructions

Based on your duration estimate, total the skill set labor hours, plug in each skill set labor rate (you set each rate), and build out a definitive cost estimate using Excel. Use the Generic Excel Workbook available in the attachments as your guide. Remember to crosscheck yourself against the grading rubric to ensure you address each and every grading criterion. Deliverable1: Cost duration estimates by activity, by work package, and overall project, which you should complete under the Duration Estimate tab. Deliverable2: You should complete the skill set labor costs under the rate sheet tab.

Part Two: Using the example of building a project spend plan or budget with cumulative cost curve (S-Curve or Project Baseline) from the file “Building the PV Curve.xls” located in attachments, build a project spend plan or budget for your project, with a cumulative cost curve or project baseline. The “Building the PV Curve.xls” requires that you group your costs by four time periods. Time periods can be hours, days, weeks, or months depending on the length of your project. Remember to crosscheck yourself against the grading rubric to ensure you address each and every grading criterion.

Assignment Requirements

Use the Generic Excel Workbook to complete the cost duration estimates and the Building the PV Curve.xls to complete the assignment. Submit both Excel Workbooks in the Dropbox. No APA requirements for this assignment.

Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.

See attached Grading Rubric to ensure criteria is met.

Also attached is previous work already don’t that may contribute to this answer.