polar bear extinction

Before you write your actual paper, you will need to write a proposalAKA Paper 1 — where you tell me what you are interested in and what you hope to accomplish

Your Research Proposal (Paper 1) should include the following:

  • Your proposed research topic: At least one paragraph of discussion in which you tell me why you are interested in this topic and what you hope to learn from your inquiry;
  • An annotated bibliography of at least four new sources of information about the topic. Your bibliography should follow standard MLA bibliographic format; follow instructions available at the OWL at Purdue, which I’ve linked to here. This will be the longest part of your proposal.
  • Warning: an annotated bibliography is different from an non-annotated bibliography. Be sure to click on the link above;
  • You may use articles and ideas you have already cited in discussion. For your paper you will be able also to use readings we have discussed in class, but they shouldn’t be part of the annotated bibliography included in your proposal.
  • When you are ready but no later than the proposal deadline, prepare and submit an accessible file (Word, Open Office, not a pdf) named after yourlast name and the assignment, such as “SmithPaper1docx”.
  • Dates and Deadlines:Wednesday Nov. 27. Research Proposal deadlineSunday, Dec. 8: Research paper (essay 3) due 11:59 PM
  • To see how I will grade this paper, scroll down to find the rubric.
  • For more information about research papers, scroll to the top of Week 8 and find “Conducting and Reporting on Research” as well as a sample research paper by Prof G G Patthey at LACC. (Your report does not have to be as detailed as Professor Patthey’s, so don’t be alarmed..)