power point and paper 2

Description: You will explore, identify, and complete an online free training about cultural competency in health care (video, assessment, model, toolkit, or other educational activity). After completion, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that: 1) Describes the training activity including its source, purpose, and time required 2) Explains why you believe the activity is valuable in diversity and cultural competence training in health care 3) [and] how you believe the activity could be used to train others in professional contexts. You will upload your presentation online and present to the class. Your presentation should be at least 10 minutes with 2 minutes for questions

Description: You will explore, identify, and complete an online free training about cultural competency in health care (video, assessment, model, toolkit, or other educational activity). After completion, you will write a paper reflecting on the training. The objective of the paper is to: 1) Describe the training activity including its source, purpose, and time required 2) Explain why you believe the activity is valuable in diversity and cultural competence training in health care 3) [and] how you believe the activity could be used to train others in professional contexts. You will upload your final paper online. Your final paper should be between 3-5 pages and include relevant citations to support your arguments.