professional development plan 24
a. 10-year individual professional development plan – with annual career milestones
b. Detailed strategy to enter industry of your choosing
a. Overview of industry – description, size, trends, outlook (e.g. cyber security industry, marketing analytics industry, biotech industry) footnote all sources
b. Overview of key players in the industry – 3 companies and 3 executives
c. Overview of your preferred functional area in your target industry (s) (e.g. marketing) and description of likely entry job and job title for you (e.g. marketing assistant in your target industry or company)
d. Brief biographies of 3 key executives in your target function (e.g. marketing, sales, etc.) in your industry/company
c. Create and describe Your Own Professional Mentor Panel: 3 – 4 executives in your function or industry (NOT from among MSEI program faculty, executive guests, or hosting executives from class visits, etc. However, you may ask for referrals to other executives from program faculty and guests). Recommend one mentor be from your home region who knows you well and at least one mentor from Silicon Valley Region and at least one mentor in your target functional area (e.g. marketing) and/or your target industry (bio-tech). (Mentors are expected to provide frequent guidance, feedback [e.g. bi-weekly email correspondence and monthly conversations] and referrals on your professional development through your MSEI graduation and launch of your post-graduation professional career or launch of your venture.)
d. Identify, describe, and confirm internship and functional role or project in following semester.
e. Describe possible new venture (brief description) to launch in final semester.