professional nursing presentation on nursing shortage

Assignment: Group Project (30 Points)

Students will be provided the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired from all 7 semesters to a specific problem or issue. They will be encouraged to think critically and creatively about professional issues and to develop further leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues while developing the skills necessary to implement “small tests of change” in a clinical setting. Students will also be allowed the opportunity to refine research skills and demonstrate their proficiency in oral communication skills; evaluate best evidence in support of nursing practice and the generation of new knowledge; integrate an evidence-based practice model in designing a plan of care to ensure optimal client outcomes; demonstrate their achievement of the Nova Southeastern University Assaf College of Nursing outcomes and their ability to extend and refine this knowledge and skill in the realization of their personal and professional goals.

Assignment Criteria

  • Student groups will create one professional power point presentation (no more than 15 slides) as per the below instructions
  • Student groups will utilize the APA format, and reference page is to be included in the presentation
  • Student groups presentations should be no longer than 30 minutes including audience question and answer session.

Analyze Evidence-Based Practice Presentation

  • Identify a practice issue which resulted in negative patient outcomes
    • Concept exploration: What is the nature of the clinical problem? How is it defined?
    • Is the issue clinically significant and why? The literature review should support this.
    • Is the issue a priority and why?
  • Create a case-study to illustrate the problem
  • Develop a PICO question
    • Population of interest
    • Intervention of interest
    • Comparison of interest
    • Outcome of interest
  • Complete a literature review including a critical appraisal and evaluation of the evidence as it related to the chosen topic (This should include no less than three (3), evidence-based practice articles from a peer-reviewed journal). Utilize the following format to discuss the findings:
  • Identify processes that helped to identify this clinical problem. Examples:
  • Shift-to-shift report
  • Nurse/student partnership
  • Unit-based clinical practice committee discussion


Study Question/Problem

Sample Population

Study Design

Study Findings

Conclusions/Implications for Nursing Practice

  1. Locate and discuss an evidence-based guideline or practice protocol related to the topic and the identified population (Suggested databases include the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or Best Practice Guidelines)
  2. In support of the guideline, select one scholarly article that corroborates the evidence-based guideline/protocol chosen. This article must be from a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, not more than 5 years old. One article from the literature review may be utilized. Textbooks may not be utilized.
  1. Critique the selected article utilizing the table below. Discuss the findings associated with the article by reviewing the discussion and implications/recommendations for practice and summary assessment as they relate to the case study. Describe how these findings will support the small test of change (Do NOT summarize the content of the article).


  • Are all major findings interpreted and discussed?
  • Are the interpretations consistent with the results and with the study’s limitations?
  • Does the report address the issue of the generalizability of the findings?


  • Do the researchers discuss the implications of the study for clinical practice or further research-and are those implications reasonable and complete?

Summary Assessment

  • Despite any identified limitations, do the study findings appear to be valid-is there confidence in the truth-value of the results?
  • Does the study contribute any meaningful evidence that can be used in the nursing practice or that is useful to the nursing discipline?
  1. Analyze two of the most pertinent QSEN competencies as they relate to the case study and describe how they relate to the practice issue
  2. Select evidence based practice model
  • Discuss why the selection of this EBP model is most appropriate to the practice issue identified.Examples of selected models:
    • Johns Hopkins Model (2005)
    • Rosswurm and Larrabee Model (1999)
    • Stetler Model (2001)
    • Iowa Model (Titler, 2001)
  1. Utilizing the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) steps for Quality Improvement, create and present a plan for a small test of change addressing the following items:
  • Forming the Team; Effective Teams
  • Setting aims
  • Establishing measures
  • Selecting changes
  • Testing changes (Plan-Do-Study-Act)
  • Implementing changes
  • Spreading changes

my topic will be nursing shortage. Some factors that influence the shortage are burnout, stressful environment, and patient overload”

Example: Due to the nursing shortage, more medical errors can happen. Patient overload can lead to an unsafe environment.