PSY 635 Week 2 Quantitative Methods

Quantitative Methods Quiz

Question 1

When recruiting human subjects for a research study, the researcher must provide information about the potential risks and benefits of participation and allow the person to freely decide whether or not to participate. This process is called obtaining _____.

Question 2

If two measurements from the same group of people are being compared, which type of t-test must be used?

Question 3

A threat to internal validity in which concurrent events outside of the experiment may affect the dependent variable is called _____.

Question 4

Which of the following is an example of a ratio scale?

Question 5

The interval and ratio scales belong to which category of measurement scales?

Question 6

The two parameters needed to define a normal distribution are _____.

Question 7

This measure of variability is the square root of the variance.

Question 8

According to Henrich, Heine, and Norenzayan, many experimental findings cannot be widely generalized because most of the world’s population is not _____.

Question 9

Measurable characteristics of a population are called _____.

Question 10

Measured characteristics of a sample are called ____