psychological disorders discussion questions

Discussion Points are awarded for comments that · reflect that you have read the required text and readings · that you have prepared the discussion questions in advance · that you have thought about the content · that you have attempted to understand the readings · and that you are able to apply the content to “real life.” In other words, quality comments reflect effort, accuracy, and thoroughness. If you do not understand the material, you can still earn participation points by demonstrating that you have made an effort to understand the material and that you have read the text. Trying to struggle with and figure out the information merits points. I expect you to make posts that directly address all parts of the discussion questions as well as respond to others’ postings. Points awarded for responses to others’ postings will be awarded using the same criteria as original posts (see above, see syllabus).

You will not earn points for posts/replies that do not meet the above criteria or for posts/replies that simply reflect information from your personal life without incorporating specific concepts and understanding of the chapter.

Your reply should focus on enhancing your peer’s discussion and not on the organization or if you enjoyed reading it. This can be mentioned but should not be the focus. Further, you will not earn points by simply stating that you agree or disagree with a classmate without fully supporting your opinion with concepts from the course material. Your peer response must enhance your peer’s post while incorporating concepts from the course material directly related to the discussion question.

Required: Two posts per chapter. Original posts must be a minimum of 400 words combined. (approx 200 words each).

Required: Two responses to peers’ posts per chapter. Peer responses must be a minimum of 125-150 words for each peer response.

Select two of the topics below to discuss. Inside your discussion always start by titling your post in bold using one of the topic titles below and then discuss your topic starting on the next line. You will then reply to two of your peers’ posts from either the same or different topic. On the top line of your peer responses write “reply to:” and then the title of the peers’ post to which you are responding. Start your peer response on the next line.

Complete 2 of the 3 following discussion topics

Discussion A) Defining Abnormal Behavior

•In defining abnormality name and describe the 4 criteria for defining abnormal behavior (refer to textbook and powerpoint to find all 4). Next provide 1-2 examples of example of each. Lastly, can a behavior be considered Maladaptive Behavior but not cause Personal Distress (support your answer and provide an example)?

Discussion B) Neurotransmitters and abnormal behavior

  • In chapter 3 we reviewed various disorders that may be related to a dysregulation of neurotransmitters. Briefly review the following: Neutrotranmistter activity and anxiety, neutrotransmitters and depression, and neurotransmitter activity and schizophrenia.
  • Discussion C) Disorders (if you complete this topic select ONE of the following)

    1) Anxiety Disorders

    Briefly describe the main characteristics of anxiety disorders. Name and describe two anxiety disorders. Also discuss the etiology (causation) of anxiety disorders (describe at least 2).

    2) Schizophrenic Disorders

    Schizophrenic Disorders (describe at least 2).

    3) Eating Disorders

    • Briefly describe the main characteristics of Eating Disorders. Name and describe two Eating Disorders. Also describe two causations (etiology) of Eating Disorders.