q amp a economic 1301

provide a link to articles that supports your position on any questions.

1.In what primary way is the current Distribution of Income a BENEFIT to our economy and to our society ? Why do you think so?

2.In what primary way is the current Distribution of Income a COST to our economy and to our society ? Why do you think so?

3.Should the Federal Government make a CHOICEto try to influence the Distribution of Income through tax policy and social programs ? Should the goal be: a) an exactly equal distribution, b) a somewhat more (or less) equal distribution, c) a slightly more (or less) equal distribution … or d) the government should not try to influence the distribution at all ?

4. In your view, what is the primary UNCERTAINTY and the primary RISK of a Government choice to try (or not to try) to influence the present Distribution of Income ?

5. What is your interpretation of on current distribution of income and how would you change if you had the power to do so ? What would be the Benefit, the Cost, the primary Uncertainty and the primary Risk of the changes that you would make ?