read bio below

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When you look back in time, with old books and magazines and videos and even old TV shows, you begin to get a sense of how rapidly human culture changes. Remarkably, human beings seem to adapt to these changes quite well. Take smart phones, for example. But not always. Pick an occupation, like farming, or construction, or technical or financial work in some East Asian nation. You may use the example provided above if you’d like. How has it changed over the last fifty years? Do you think things have improved?

Please tell me the extent to which you (and our society generally) have been made aware of the details and development over the years of the Fukushima nuclear disaster were discussed in your schools. Do you think this has attracted the attention it deserves? Does it influence how you think about energy?

Part 2

Page 692 questions 2, 6, 9:

692.2. What are SEZ’s? Where would we find them in China? What is the significance of their location?

692.6. Why did China shift from a command economy to a market economy?

692.9. Under what four main principles do the SEZs operate?

Page 704 questions 1, 3:

704.1. What makes the port of Hong Kong significant in both physical characteristics and relative location?

704.3. Where is Shenzhen? Why did this city emerge as one of the fastest growing cities in the world?

Page 721 questions 4, 5:

721.4. Does Japan have a high or low population growth rate? What problems arise from this situation?

721.5. How did Japan become an economic superpower after 1945?

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